Michael joined Vocational Visions in 2008 and he participates in our DTAC Alambre program. This article was first published in our February 2021 newsletter and was written during the phase of the pandemic when we were closed to in-person programming.
Everyone knows that Michael loves balloons and, when our facilities were open before the pandemic, he would always arrive at VV with a balloon tied to his wheelchair every day. He’s recognized as the 'Balloon Boy'. Michael has always enjoyed going out into the community - especially to local shopping malls. When Michael would get to visit the Shops at Mission Viejo with VV, he and VV employee Asher would go on 'balloon hunts' throughout the mall. They were always guaranteed to get a balloon at Kevin Jewelers. Michael would often come home with more balloons than he left with.
This is an activity Michael has really missed since we have been closed to in-person programming at our facilities. He also misses getting ready for the bus in the morning that would take him to VV.
Out of an abundance of caution during the pandemic, Michael's parents keep him at home mostly.
One of Michael’s favorite things to do, pre-pandemic and currently, is to go for a ride in his dad’s truck. Pretty much daily, Michael grabs a pair of socks and points to his closet where his shoes are. So, from time to time, with no particular place to go, he gets to go on a ride around the city, just to get out and 'see the world' for a while.
We're happy to share that Michael and we are back to in-person services and we get to see his smiles in-person again.
At home, Michael spends his time between his room and the 'man cave' upstairs. While upstairs, he enjoys watching action / adventure movies. He also enjoys stringing long lines of blocks on rope in various color patterns. Additionally, Michael loves to throw colorful Nerf balls at a small basketball hoop.
Michael will be so excited when life gets back to normal and he can, once again, get on the bus in the morning and return to fun at program. We at VV look forward to this as well.