Sophia D.

Sophia D.

Sophia has been attending our ADP program at Vocational Visions since 2018. She is excited to share one of her special talents in her own words. This article was first shared in our July 2020 newsletter.

Quilting is my favorite hobby. My aunt taught me when I was 13 years old and I still do it today. I find it very therapeutic. I have made about 60 quilts so far and I'd like to share with you 3 of my favorites:

Sophia and Aunt

I call this quilt Nana’s Blues. My nana got this material with the intention to learn how to quilt. Unfortunately, she got sick and passed away before she could make it. I was given her material to finish her quilt. The picture to the right above shows me and my aunt.

sophia deshotels 2

I made this quilt for my mom using material with art by Mary Englebreit (which my mom loves). My quilting teacher suggested I enter it into a competition at the OC Fair in 2007. I entered for the fun of it and did not expect to win. I ended up with a 3rd place ribbon on my first quilt entry ever.


 sophia deshotels 3I decided to create a quilt just for me in 2003. The style is a rag quilt and it’s still in my home to this day. I use it for my bed and also to cover my hope chest. That's me again in the pictures above taken this year.

I make quilts on request or for special occasions. When I’m not quilting, I like to color, make hair bands and tutus. I also do upcycling with clothing where I take gently used clothing and add materials like lace or patches to repurpose it into a new outfit.