Igor S.

Igor S.

Igor has been attending our Vocational Visions ADP Program since 2016. In his own words, Igor shares about one of his many artistic talents. This article was first shared in the June 2020 issue of our newsletter. 

Below is one of Igor's favorite quotes. igor solos

“Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine.”

- Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart


Igor would like to share one of his great passions in his own words:

Everyone has a talent. One person enjoys writing lyrics and poems, while another is good at drawing or singing. I found my passion in ceramics.

My name is Igor Solos and I enjoy making ceramic pieces. My hobby started when I was about seven years old and attended a weekend art and pottery school. Working with clay allows me to relax and be creative. It helps me to see the world in a different and artistic way. I have made about 40 - 50 pieces. I’ve lost track since quite a few of them have already been sold.

I continue taking ceramics classes at Saddleback College and actively participate in the college's annual student art sale.

I think that ceramics is a fun way to express myself and to develop my fine motor skills. I believe that my hobby has helped me to understand that art is not easy, but is a very rewarding and fun experience. My dream is to have some of my pieces displayed in a museum.

 Ceramics Collage

Here's the story behind three of my pieces that you see in the collage above:

Building of the Future:

As part of a class project, I used my own imagination to design a hotel of the future. The yellow windows represent the light on in the rooms at nighttime.

Tall Vase with Flowers:

As part of a class project, we had to make a vase with an obstruction in the middle so the flowers would fit on the sides of the obstruction. I decided to turn the hollow obstruction in the middle into a bird nest. Believe it or not, this vase weighs about 40 pounds.

Penguin Creamer:

I am fond of birds so I modeled my creamer cups after penguins. I sold three of them and kept one that I still use today.